Model Outline - Smooth Normals Generator
Modify the FBX directly without any additional steps!!!
Built-in Mikkt algorithm automatically calculates tangents, no need for FBX to have tangent information!!!
Supports storing smooth normals in any UV channel or vertex color.
Supports calculating smooth normals in either model space or tangent space.
Using the least squares method to enhance adaptability in calculating smooth normal directions.
Quick Start
1. Find mesh from fbx
In Unity project, find the mesh sub-asset of the fbx asset file you want to outline.
2. Generate smooth normals
Click on the MenuItem (the button with three dots in the upper right corner of the Inspector), then click on “Generate Smooth Normals” in the popup menu (you will see smooth normals generated in UV3).
3. Add material to MeshRenderer
Drag the model into the scene, and then drag “OutlineInTangentSpaceUVMaterial” from “Smooth Normal Generator\Art\Materials” into the Materials of the Skinned Mesh Renderer.
1. Usability
Update FBX files with a single click, without the need to separately duplicate mesh files for individual processing, and without worrying about data loss when closing the project.
2. Universality
Supports generating smooth normals in both model space and tangent space. Smooth normals in tangent space are suitable for animated models. You can choose the UV channel to store the smooth normals, or they can be stored in the vertex color.
3. Accurate
Supports least squares method for generating smooth normals, resulting in smooth normals that better adapt to extreme situations.
4. Robustness
The plugin includes the MikkT algorithm, which automatically calculates tangent information when generating smooth normals, eliminating the need for tangent information to be included in the FBX file.
Related references
Survey of Efficient Representations for Independent Unit Vectors